Aprile's Discography

This is not a complete discography, but it contains links to recordings that can be purchased on the Internet.

CD Recordings

Cover ArtComposerWorkRoleCatalog Number

with Dolora Zajic, Placido Domingo; cond. Levine


AïdaSony 45973
VerdiDon Carlo

with Michael Sylvester, Dolora Zajic; cond. Levine


Elisabetta di ValoisSony 52500
VerdiLuisa Miller

with Placido Domingo, Florence Quivar; cond. Levine


LuisaSony 48073
VerdiIl Trovatore

with Placido Domingo, Dolora Zajic; cond. Levine

LeonoraSony 48070

Videos (VHS)

Aida with Placido Domingo and Dolora Zajick, 1989, color, subtitled


Aida with Placido Domingo and Dolora Zajick, 1989, color, subtitled

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